Titus 2:1 says we are to “Teach what is in accord with sound teachings.”
For anyone involved in Christian education, or Christian parents, it is VITAL you know what the Apostle Paul meant when he used the word sound and how it pertains to Christian schooling.
- What does God require of teachers?
- Are you integrating God’s Word into every subject taught?
- Are you teaching truth? Can you distinguish truth from error?
- Are you training your student’s heart, and teaching them honorable character, self-discipline, and godly decision making?
- Do you know God’s criteria when hiring Teachers or Administrators?
- Are your Christian school’s statement of faith, policies, and curricula based on sound biblical doctrine?
- Do you need help battling attacks of the enemy?
- Would you like advice and suggestions on fundraising?
- Does your school glorify God?
These questions and many more are answered biblically in this must-read book!
Order now, and I will ship it to you free! (Standard shipping to the continental US only typically within 2 days)
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